Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So ummm I have gone skiing lately...a lot. So much in fact I havn't been able to post here. Between high school, scholarships, wrestling (which takes up way to much of my life) skiing, and trying to put together this ski video I havn't had a lot of time to post here. Plus I was on break and who wants to blog over christmas break when I could be on the mountain. Anyways there have been some pretty epic days up. There has been enough snow I choke on it. It has been absolutely awesome. And on those days when there has been no new snow, I chill all day in the park. I'm not gonna pretend to be amazing because there are some people that blow me away in the park. But I'm ok and can pull some big 3's on the super kickers and occasionally a 5. Anyways I'll try and get some pics up of the past month of skiing