Monday, November 3, 2008

Skiing vs. Snowboarding

So how are snowboards and vacums similar...
How you attach the Dirt Bag!
ok thats just a little joke. So i'm gonna bring up my personal view of skiing and snowboarding. I know there's a little hostility between the two but I just wanted to say thats a joke. I ski and love it but I am alone in my town for friends that ski so I chill with the snowboarders. its way cool because snowboarders are always relaxed and we just go and chill. We don't go as fast as possible and spend our days all hyped up. We take our days slow, enjoy every turn, and go BIG. I know how to ski and ride (although I'm not nearly as good on a board). I just choose to ski because I prefer it. I just enjoy the snowboard way of life.
So there's no porblem with me and snowboarders. Just thought I would throw that out there...

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